Our Stock Picks

Track Record

You will find a list of our Active and Closed (past) Picks and their respective Alpha against the Nasdaq.
Use the below report navigation to see more details for each pick.

Active & Closed Picks

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Active Picks

Gravity Co (Nasdaq - Korea)

Low risk / High reward
Getting noticed

Aiming (Japan)

Revenue increase - no stock movement
Waiting for recovery

Feiyu (Hong Kong)

Status - Open: High risk, Very high reward
Under the radar

Closed Picks

Zen Game (Hong Kong)

Status - Closed
147% in 17 months
ZenGame Final chart

Enad Global 7 (Sweden)

Status - Closed
111% in 3 months
Enad7 Gaming Company - Closed Pick graph

GREE Inc. (Japan)

Status - Closed
35% in 2 months

Marvelous! (Japan)

Status - Closed
-9% in 4 months
Marvelous Inc! Closed pick graph in JP Yen

37 Games (China)

Status - Closed
20% in 6 months
Closed Picks - 37 Games - Graph - CNY

GameOne (Hong Kong)

Status - Closed
68% in 5 months
GameOne Limited - Closed Pick graph

Gravity (Korea, Nasdaq-listed)

Status - Closed
193% in 5 months